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rocket propelled 火箭推進的。

rocket propulsion

Returning to a theme he has voiced many times before , the cambridge university cosmologist said that space - rockets propelled by the kind of matter / antimatter annihilation technology popularised in star trek would be needed to help homo sapiens colonise hospitable planets orbiting alien stars 這位劍橋大學宇宙論者重提他過去曾多次探討的主題說,星艦奇航記中那種廣為人知的物質?反物質的互相抵消科技推動的太空火箭,可以用來幫助人類移民到環繞外星球運行的友善行星。

The tawhid and jihad group sent al - jazeera a video showing the two unidentified bulgarians sitting with their hands cuffed , flanked by three masked men , two carrying rifles and one carrying a rocket propelled grenade launcher 該錄像帶顯示,兩名保加利亞人質雙手被綁,坐在三蒙面綁架者前,其中兩名綁架者手持步槍,另一人手持火箭發射器。

Rocket propelled grenades 火箭推進榴彈